Gulf Coast Eye Care


What are the Benefits of Upper Eyelid Surgery?

woman looking at her wrinkles

Some of the first and most visible signs of aging often occur in the areas of the upper eyelids. As the skin of these areas becomes susceptible to fat deposits and the muscles begin to weaken, a look of anger, sadness, or exhaustion can set in – even when you are not feeling those emotions. In fact, the skin of the upper eyelids can become so heavy that it droops over the eyes and, in some cases, obstructs vision. Fortunately, upper eyelid surgery (also known as upper eyelid lift) at Gulfcoast Eye Care can address these concerns and create a more youthful, refreshed appearance.

Upper eyelid surgery offers a variety of both aesthetic and functional benefits, including:

  • Removal of excess skin along the upper eyelids
  • Firming and tightening of inelastic skin and lax muscles
  • Removal of fat bulges over the eyes
  • Lifting of heavy, drooping skin for improved vision

Eyelid surgery is a very popular procedure and has helped both men and women enhance their appearance and eliminate visual obstruction caused by excess skin among the upper eyelids. You can learn more about eyelid surgery and view before-and-after images of this advanced treatment here. If you have questions about eyelid surgery, or if you would like to schedule a consultation to determine whether this option is right for your needs, please contact us today.

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